I met some really amazing people that I could see myself being friends with for the rest of forever! I'm so lucky. But, I haven't told them about POTS. I wish it were different, but, unfortunately, stigma is stigma. I don't want to be ashamed or feel embarrassed with having a medical condition, but I don't want to be judged or belittled. I don't want to be a liar, but I also don't want to have friendships or relationships end or for me to be discriminated in any sense. I wish I could just say that I have it and not have to worry about the consequences. Those are always stalking my thoughts. I have trust in the new people I choose to surround myself with, and they are such sweet, kind, caring, thoughtful people. I just don't want to screw everything up by disclosing or by choosing to not disclose and continue this sort of lie I'm living. Grr...I wish things weren't so complicated!!
"Feeling the need to hide symptoms is so key to what patients of all kinds of conditions have to face. We have to hide--don't let anybody see, don't let them think you're drunk, don't let them think you're incapable, don't let them think you're unstable, you're unsteady, you're flawed, you're devalued. Mask it. Hide it. Cover it up..." --Michael J. Fox