Well I talked with my doctor to see what new things I can do to help with my brain fogging and excessive fatigue. The Nadolol and Midodrine that I started taking again a few weeks ago have not been helping. So, my doctor says that I should try to skip the Nadolol for a day just to see how I feel without it (I did that today). If there is no change, then I will skip the Provigil for a day to see how I am without that medication (I will try to do this tomorrow). We are just trying to find an improved medication balance that will help me get through daily living.
My doctor does not have great explanations as to why things are worse for me now, but he does know that this can happen. He says that I should still recover too. I have been very very very fatigued and extremely brain fogged. I have more headaches now and more dizzy episodes too. I do not know if the changes in my symptoms are related to the changes in weather. I truly just do not feel any different now than when I saw my doctor in early January. I am very frustrated because I am trying my very best to feel better. I am doing everything right. I am still exercising intensely for at least 30 minutes every single day and drinking a ton of water and eating a ton of salt with everything (to the point where I get really bloated by the end of the day now because of all the water and salt). I am also taking 40 mg of Nadolol in the morning, 200 mg of Provigil twice a day, 150 mg of Lyrica twice a day, 10 mg of Midodrine three times a day, and 5 grams of ferrous sulfate (iron) at night. I know that the results do take awhile to really take into effect, but I am struggling to keep up with my schoolwork because of the symptoms.
I am still barely making it through my everyday routine. I am experiencing brain fogging and fatigue that limits me in succeeding in my schoolwork. I dropped out of my child practicum class because I know that if I cannot manage daily life yet, I should gain some strength before I have to take care of preschool children in a classroom setting. I also quit 2 of the organizations I am involved with so that I could lighten my workload. I took a leave of absence from my other 3 organizations so I can solely focus on schoolwork. Anything to help me feel better is the ultimate goal of mine, even if that means giving up some of the things that I am passionate about.
I am still positive and hopeful that I will get better, that my symptoms will get better, and that life will get a little bit easier. My hard work has to pay off eventually!!! :)
Your hard work will pay off!! Remember way back when ...when you couldn't even walk around?! You pushed through that!! Not many could have done what you have done without giving up! I think Fischer will figure out a different combination of meds that will work for you. And we still have the New York doctor who sounds awesome!It's going to turn around. I know that for sure!! I have never been wrong!!