Sunday, April 8, 2012


I'm sleepy. I don't know if I am more sleepy now or if I am slowly getting better. Maybe I'm just exhausted or am doing too much exercising. Maybe the new medicine is working...or maybe not. I am not sure what is going on with me, but I know I'm not me. I am so tired all the time still and experience a lot of brain fogging too. There are times that I feel like I cannot concentrate and times when I feel as though something else is controlling my body. I just don't feel like me anymore. It feels like I barely know how "normal" is supposed to feel anymore because this has been my "normal" for so so long!!

I'm really considering going to New York to see a new doctor there. I just feel like maybe I need a second opinion or just a new set of eyes and ideas.

I also have more bruises on my legs. Now I have 4 small bruises. A few weeks ago I had a large bruise on my inner left calf, but now the little bruises are in various places on my legs. I don't know why this is happening, but I am getting slightly worried about it. Getting bruises is normal when you hit your leg on something, but it definitely is not normal when I know for a fact that I did not hit my legs on anything. So I will keep an eye on it.

As for school, it is going okay but getting schoolwork completed is so difficult for me because I am so fatigued and brain fogged all of the time. I am still achieving very high marks, but I wish I could be able to focus more on the tasks that I need to accomplish without being brain fogged. Soon enough I will have this all figured out and I will be feeling better. Feeling better and still achieving high marks in school are my ultimate goals. I know I will somehow achieve both of those goals :)