Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Tummy Isn't Happy...and Neither am I!

Well my doctor has me on an SSRI (selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor/ AKA an anti-depressant) called Celexa to help with the POTS symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and brain fogging. I am a very realistic person, so I understand that this is yet another medication that has helped others in the past and maybe it will or will not help me, but I am also extremely hopeful. So I really truly hope this medication along with the ones that I'm still on (Midodrine, Relafen, Provigil, and Lyrica) work better for me!! I also was on a new medication for my acne (even though it isn't terrible, we were thinking that it might help to be on an antibiotic since I sweat sooooooo much every day). But, either the Celexa or the antibiotic is making me very nauseous. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night feeling as though I might throw up or something. It is frustrating. I stopped taking the antibiotic to see if that would help with the nausea, but I still have that feeling. It happens randomly so it is strange to me. I never have felt like this for an extended amount of time, so I know it had to be one of the new meds making me nauseous.

I'm happy that my doctor is starting me on a new medication but I am not happy with the side effect since I'm pretty sure the nauseous feeling is from the Celexa. Darn!!! It's almost as though I am constipated but not. It's hard to describe. The doctor said that I might not feel better for about a month after starting the Celexa, so for now I'm just waiting... It stinks because I am still incredibly brain fogged, dizzy, super fatigued, have racing heart feelings sometimes, and am sometimes have tremulousness episodes. It is annoying when I cannot get my schoolwork done. I'm hoping that I feel better because I have 5 projects due next week!!! AHH!! haha

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